Music Menu is a program that brings a lot of lyrics of known songs. This program uses old technology because it was written for MS-DOS. This means that if you're running any Windows beyond Windows XP then you will require DOSBox in order to run this program.
Music Menu is used to view lyrics of known songs such as Hotel California and others, most of which are folk songs such as "Guten Abend, gut Nacht", a children's song of Germany, and "Hava Nagila", a hebrew folk song. When the program starts you'll see a very vintage menu to select the language of the interface, and then you'll see the list of all available songs.
Select any song using the cursor keys and press enter to select it and show the lyrics screen. As the lyrics are shown the tune of the song will be played using the classic PC's internal speaker. On the main menu you can press H to see the help; first it will ask you to select a language and then you'll see the actual help screen. Since it's an MS-DOS program, its interface is completely controlled from the keyboard and makes it a bit difficult to move it around. This program will be found quite interesting by those people who enjoy listening to 8-bit music on the internal speaker and sing along songs from all over the world.